470 Christie Lake Rd, Perth

Offers Invited At $ 489,000.00


Main Floor

Imagine making this classic walk.



The front door faces South - sheltered from the wind and catching the sun




470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home foyer

You probably won't greet people as often as you'd like to ......



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home foyer 2

But when you do .... you'll love how gracious it feels.


470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home foyer 3




470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home livinig 2

Looking in from the foyer

Like most stone homes - the symmetry is amazing.

The living room and dining rooms have windows on the north, west, and south

elevations. These rooms catch so much light.



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home details

This home exemplifies what attention to detail can look like after hundreds of years




470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home dining

Lots of room for feasting !!!
Family and Friends will love to visit.



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home kitchen 1

The kitchen is a classic



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home kitchen 3

Cabinets to the ceiling !!!!


470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home kitchen 5

Lots of work space - a chefs kitchen



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home kitchen 6


470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home family1

Behind the kitchen you find the main floor family room.

Again -the windows and doors on both the east, west and south sides
bring in so much light. This is the end of the home you'll probably
use everyday.


470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home fireplace

Comfortable in the summer - Cozy in the winter.



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home back stairs

The stairs to the right of the stair lead directly to the master bedroom.



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home details3

This home is so much fun - the shelf unit to the right of the fireplace
would never be found easily. Go back 2 photos. It's in the wall
between the fireplace and the stairs.



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home family 4

Again - the exposed stone inside adds such a warm touch.




470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home back room 2

Behind the family room - is the back room.

In many homes this would be a called the mud room - but that so does
not fit this space.

The green tub in the corner has been raised for dog grooming.



470 Christie lake Road dave chomitz ontario stone home back room4

This is back entrance to the home. Very pleasant and very practical.



You'll love coming home.