The Original Stone Home

Ontario Stone Homes Are Unique

Having been a real estate professional since 1989 I seen a lot of different types of homes. When the gentle lady walked into my office in 2008 my understanding of the industry as a marketing vehicle changed. This was a complicated property with a number of easements and rights of way that were granted when the original owner took title from the neighbouring farmer.

It was quickly apparent that these homes have a very strong appeal to a very narrow part of the population. Because I had a strong internet presence I was able to gain tremendous exposure early. In the first several weeks, in slow market – the traffic through the door was amazing. But more amazing was where the buyers came from. There were very few local lookers – many from Toronto – but more noticeable was the number of buyers that came from so many what seemed like random locations. There were people from Western Ontario, Eastern Ontario, form Barry and North Bay. There was even a family that flew from England to specifically to see this home. It was a real eye opener.

Steeped in old world character, the century stone home exudes country charm and brilliantly recalls to memory the image of days gone by.

Built by the the Empire Loyalists, sometimes up to 200 years ago, the quality of construction remains apparent in the fact that they are still standing and in most cases where they have been loved, still shine as one of the prettiest and most popular design of architecture available today. The custom workmanship stands the test of time as does it’s period design.
The stone home can be made of cut stone, generally in areas where natural granite would have been found close to the site. This finish is called Ashlar, a smoothly flat cut stone constructed with a minimal of space between stones, brick-like in design and generally used in Georgian style architecture.  Alternate design types of stone homes were built with other indigenous materials such as “river stone” and “field” stone. These stone homes have a decidedly more whimsical appearance. The uses of different local stone give each stone home it’s unique and individual character.  Their owners have a deep sense of pride and priviledge to own a piece of Ontario’s rich history. 

Being that there are scant amounts of handcrafted stone homes in the rural areas of south eastern Ontario, it’s no wonder they are so sought after. 
So, here is a site that is dedicated to “A Stone home”. Stone homes will be posted here for sale, as they come available, and if you are in search of your own Stone Home or have a Stone Home to sell, please send us an email or give us a call

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    Ontario stone home for sale heritage property restoration real estate retreat
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    Since 2008, AStoneHome has been the leading platform dedicated to advertising and marketing Ontario’s historic stone homes, successfully connecting buyers and sellers across the province. As the only specialized real estate platform focused exclusively on heritage stone houses, we provide a targeted, high-visibility marketplace for these unique and timeless properties.

    Open to all agents this site creates a direct link to informed, motivated and qualified buyers as well as expert agents who truly understand the selling process.